Monday, August 1, 2011

It's a fiesta!!!

Ok, it is not a fiesta.  But it is Fiesta Dinnerware, and that makes me want to party.  So, it's a fiesta!!!

When my husband and I got married almost 10 years ago, we didn't have much between us.  But we were blessed by a great community that threw us a wedding shower.  We registered for a few gifts, but I didn't really want to get too fancy with my wedding registry.  I figured we were young, we didn't need extravagant china or silver.  We were just starting out, we could save the fancy stuff for further on down the road.

I had always liked Fiesta dishes, but I decided that I could admire the dishes from the pages of a catalog.  After graduating college, I met my BFF (I sound like such a teenager).  She was recently married and she had Fiesta dishes.  I put my foot down.  I said that is it.  I want Fiesta dishes!!!!  I begged, I pleaded, I whined, and then my birthday arrived.  Guess what I asked guessed it, Fiesta Dinnerware.

I still love it so.  And I am still collecting.

I love how you can set the table with the bright Fiesta colors and it feels so summery.  Almost tropical.

But then you change out the pieces to the darker hues for a more subdued dinner.  Almost romantic.
Probably the best part about Fiesta dishes is that they really aren't a budget-breaker.  Don't get me wrong, there are some pieces that I won't be getting anytime soon.  But compared to other dishes, they are pretty reasonable.  I don't feel guilty for using them as my everyday dishes but I also think that they are nice enough to entertain with. 

Long story short, I love Fiesta dishes. 

Crazy Fiesta Lady

Oh, and I am certainly not a paid spokesperson for Fiesta.  I'm just a crazy lady that loves their dishes.

1 comment:

plainsgirl said...


My sister RoJean in Texas has Fiesta too. We both love the colorful, classic, yet carefree style and the name fits it perfectly.

She has some colorful striped glasses that went with it great. When the antique mall was in the old FSA bldg in Alva, we found a similar pitcher and were tickled. But somehow we broke it before we even got to my house!

Fiesta should use your photos and text for advertising!