Monday, August 8, 2011

The Bathroom Shuffle

We try not to eat out a lot.  There are many reasons for this, but the top two are...we don't have much selection and well, um, geez, it is just pretty darn expensive to go out to eat and feed a family anymore. 

When we do go out though, there is a strange phenomenon that strikes our kids.  I try to prevent it.  I take all the necessary steps to try to bypass this phenomenon.  Before we leave the house, I try to take the precautionary actions.  Even after we arrive at the restaurant, I make the extra effort to ensure that it won't happen. 

It never fails though, a few minutes before our food arrives, the dreaded words are said, "Mom, I gotta go potty."  I try to ignore it.  I try to make them  hold it.  But then they start to squirm.  And they start getting louder, and louder, and before long the entire restaurant knows, that by golly, my child has got to GO!!!

So, off we march, to the bathroom.  It is never a short trip.  We have to check out the toilet, do our business, play with the toilet handle, wash our hands, play in the foaming soap, throw away our towel, and finally get back to our seat so we can eat our now cold food.

When Sissy was younger, we used to joke that she needed to start a bathroom rating business.  Because she had seen all of the bathrooms in the area.  Thankfully, she has officially grown out of this stage. 

However, we have just entered this phase with the little man.  Being newly potty-trained I try not to dismiss his potty breaks.  If he says he has to go, we usually do the bathroom shuffle.  I have decided that I would rather eat cold food than have the alternative. 

This too shall pass. 
Until it does, I will eat my cold food and smile that I don't have the alternative.

Thanks for stopping by,

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