Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hall Racing

Our little guy turned three last week.  We had a small family birthday party over the weekend.  He really cleaned up on toys!!!  Not that he was ever lacking in the toy department.  He had three of the seven cars seen here before his birthday.  Now he has a whole fleet of cars.

I usually find all of his cars lined up in the hall.  I believe they are all at the starting line waiting for the flag to drop.

He is not discriminatory with his toys either.  Woody and Buzz deserve to be in the same line as the Cars gang.

 Have you seen these cars?  Shaking them gives them the go-go power they need to race down the hall.  It takes a lot of hard work to get them ready to go.  It is a tough job, but someones got to do it.


He was very insistent that only one car be on the track at a time.

He was favoring Buzz quite a bit.  Buzz is riding a rocket.  He had figured the odds. Buzz is the man.

But, wait, who's this?  Sheriff might come out and win the whole thing.

I couldn't control myself anymore.  I grabbed the cars, shook them until I couldn't shake them anymore, and sent them on their way.

NNNNOOOOOO, MOM.  Just one at a time!!!!!

Hmmm, I don't know where he gets his orneriness from.  It can't be from me.  

1 comment:

plainsgirl said...

Oh, our grandson Brody would envy that line-up. To infinity and beyond...even in the hallway!