Monday, August 22, 2011

I survived!

I survived last week.  It was a little touch and go by Wednesday and Thursday, but I have officially survived our church’s vacation bible school.

We average 30 kids each night and 17 helpers.  Let me tell you, those 3 and 4 year olds are a handful!!   I am so very thankful for each and every one of our volunteers. 

I drank an obscene amount of coffee, Diet Pepsi, and Diet Mountain Dew.  Yes, I know it is unhealthy.  But, I needed it.  Apparently, my energy department was on strike.  It needed a kick in the pants by an unbelievable amount of caffeine.  (At least I didn't break out the Red Bull.)

My house and yard were neglected and they are now screaming and writhing in pain.  They need so much attention right now.  My laundry hamper has thrown-up.  Along with the mountain of clothes stuffed in the hamper, there are 2 more heaping piles stacked up next to it. 

I lived out of my car last week.  I ran back and forth to the church so many times.  Thankfully it is only a couple of blocks.  When we cleaned up the church Friday night after our program, I stuffed all of our junk in the car.  I pulled the car into the garage and haven’t been back out to it.  I am scared as to what I will find. 

C-man brought home a cold from VBS.  He is needy and I just really want a nap.  But the nap will have to wait for another day.  I am off to conquer the yard.

I hope to return to regularly scheduled programming this week.

Thanks for stopping by,

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