Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Home Grown Tomatoes

Guy Clark wrote and sings a song about home grown tomatoes.  The chorus goes something like this...

Home grown tomatoes, home grown tomatoes
What'd life be without home grown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
That's true love & home grown tomatoes

I think he was right on with this song, but thankfully there are farmer's markets that you can pick up someone else's home grown tomatoes.  Home grown tomatoes are hard to find 'round these here parts.  It has just been too hot and too dry.  I asked my mom if she had any and she said her plants look pitiful.  She said she would stop by a farmer's market and pick me up a few if she could find some good ones.  She brought me 6 beautiful tomatoes when she came up for the weekend. 

I absolutely love home grown tomatoes.  When I was pregnant with Sis, I ate a bunch of tomatoes.  I mean a BUNCH!!!  My in-laws were having a cook-out a few days before Sis made her arrival and my mother-in-law had sliced up a whole plateful of their tomatoes.  I ate the whole darn plate before the cook-out even began.

My grandma was a huge tomato fan too.  One particular summer, my mother's tomato plants were out of control.  Mom and Dad decided to give Grandma a big bag of tomatoes.  A few days later, Grandma started not feeling well.  After discussing how she was feeling and what in particular was wrong, it was determined that she had pretty much just eaten a diet of tomatoes the last few days.  

I am definitely her granddaughter.  I just love a good home grown tomato.  It is absolutely divine with just a sprinkle of salt.  A good home grown tomato makes a BLT absolutely heavenly to me.  Even just dicing up a tomato and mixing it with cottage cheese makes a perfect snack.   

What'd life be without home grown tomatoes?  It would be awful.  Just awful.  Thankfully every year we are blessed with another year to grow some more home grown tomatoes.  Even if your summer garden is scorched and searching for water and cooler temperatures, I hope that you can at least find a farmer's market to pick up some home grown tomatoes.

Thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

plainsgirl said...

Yes, we're missing our daily dose of those delicious reds too! Usually giving them away at church by now, but barely getting enough for 1 or 2 a week now for our selfish selves.