Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Because of this boy...

Because of this boy, I know all the words to the Veggie Tales theme song.

Because of this boy, I cringe when I realize how quiet it is, usually this signals he is into something he shouldn't be in.

Because of this boy, I can't wear my hair up. He pulls it out immediately. (And a ponytail is this girl's best friend.)

Because of this boy, the doors must be locked at all times. Or else he lets himself out to play, thus causing his poor mama to panic.

Because of this boy, I spray Febreze every night in his room before he goes to bed. It is the special spray that gets rid of spiders, snakes, alligators, and Swiper the Fox.

Because of this boy, I had my first ambulance ride holding his hand this last weekend. Hopefully, it will be our last. (Don't worry, he is fine.)

Because of this boy, I about punched a nurse that couldn't find his vein to take his blood. She tried 3 times before she finally got it.

Because of this boy, my heart broke into a million pieces while we were in the hospital. Seeing children just trying to get through the day with the least amount of pain possible, just made me hurt all over. Seeing their parents, trying to keep it all together when I know that they were tired, they were worn out, and they were emotionally drained, made me cry.

I love that boy, but he sure does keep me on my toes.

Thanks for stopping by,

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