Friday, March 25, 2011

Four Eyes

My baby girl has a new accessory.  She got her first pair of glasses a couple of weeks ago. 

It is no wonder that she has to have them. 

My mother had horrible eyes.  Her glasses were super thick.  My brother and I would play with them.  We would put them on and try to walk in a straight line.  I am pretty sure that it was impossible. 

My daughter's daddy (AKA, my husband) had horrible eyes too.  He got them fixed a few years ago with Lasik surgery. 

She had said something about not being able to see the board at school several months ago.  I dismissed it.  I just figured that someone else had glasses and that she wanted them too.  I remember thinking that glasses were the coolest at that age.  Then she said something about not being able to see the board again.  So, I finally gave in and took her to the eye doctor.  It turns out that she is a blind as a bat.

She is doing a really good job with them.  I have yet to tell her to put her glasses on.  But, come on now...why wouldn't you wear your glasses when you look that good in them?!?!?!?


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