Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh the things that they say and do...

I am always calling my mother and my mother-in-law to tell them the crazy things that my goofball kids have said or have done.  We always end that conversation saying something about writing a book.  Well, the book thing isn't going to happen, but I can share them with you.  That's sorta like writing a book, right? 

My son is currently going through a naked phase.  He will come running into the kitchen wearing nothing but his birthday suit or we will find him in some random part of the house naked.  This week he did just that.  He came running into the kitchen without any clothes on.  I asked him where his clothes were and automatically he said "I dunno know".  I found his clothes in the bathroom and asked why he took them off.  He said something about the bathtub.  I didn't understand what he said so I asked him, "You didn't go potty on the floor, did you?"  His response, "No, in the bathtub."  HUH!!!!  Sure enough, I yanked back the shower curtain, and he had gone in the bathtub.  Little stinker!!!!! 

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