Monday, February 21, 2011

New Found Respect

I have a new found respect for those that suffer with migraines. 

My hubby came home from a short trip to Denver late Wednesday night.  Thursday afternoon he was violently ill.  It was a long night for him.  Friday he was still feeling awful but at least the stomach issues had subsided.  By Saturday, he was feeling much better.  But, guess what?  He decided to share...with me. 

I went to bed Saturday night with a slight headache. I should have taken something then but didn't.  By 2 in the morning, my stomach was rolling and my head was pounding.  I took some Tylenol then, but didn't get much relief.  By 6, I was hurting, BAD.  I had a migraine.  It took the wind out of my sails, knocked me flat on my back, and crippled me almost completely.  Thankfully, Superdad came to the rescue.  He made breakfast for the kids and took them to church while I stayed at home.  I slept on and off all day, not doing much of anything...I couldn't.  I was so weak and anytime I did get up I had to stay close to a chair, or I would get dizzy and pass out.  I am happy to say that I survived and feel much better today.  I am hoping that nobody else will get this bug in our house. 

I just don't know how people with migraines are able to function.  I couldn't do anything.   The only relief that came was if I laid completely still and didn't move my head.  For those of you that live with migraines, you are tougher than I am.  I don't ever want to experience anything like that again.

That's all for now.
Thanks for stopping by,

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