Monday, February 7, 2011

My Top Cleaning Products!!

In honor of my Monday cleaning day, I am going to do a list of my favorite cleaning products. 

1.  Lemi-Shine 

Oh how I love Lemi-Shine.  I found this little jewel when we lived in Kansas the first time.  We had really bad (BAD) hard water.  I was so frustrated with the spots and film left on my dishes after running them through the dishwasher.  A friend recommended it and I ended up finding it at Walmart.  Since then, I go into a panic if I don't have any.  I use it in addition to the regular dishwasher soap.  My dishes sparkle!  I also run it through my coffee maker when it starts getting sluggish.  I put about 1/4 of a cup of Lemi-Shine in the coffee pot and then fill it up with water and pour it into the coffee maker.   I usually run 3-4 more pots of just plain water through the coffee maker to make sure I get all of the Lemi-Shine out.  My coffee pot thanks me profusely and it brews coffee so stinkin' fast after I have done this. 

Lemi-Shine also has a pleasant lemony fragrance as a bonus!!!! 

Seriously, you should get some if you haven't already.

2.  Clorox Disinfecting Wipes

I use these all the time.  They wipe up all my messes and leave the counter clean and free of germs - at least that is what I tell myself.  They also leave my home smelling clean.  I love the smell of a clean house.

3.  Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

These babies are life-savers.  As a mother to a 2 1/2 year old boy, I use these all the time.  They clean up marks off the wall from crayons, markers, shoe scuffs, and dirty fingerprints.  At babies 1st birthday parties, I should be giving mothers a supply of these. 

They have a funny feel to them that can drive you crazy, but they work. 

4.  Bleach

What's not to love about bleach?  It cleans whites so they sparkle, disinfects, and removes mildew and mold. Ok, ok, ok it can ruin clothes if spilled on them.  Just be careful with it!!

5.  Comet

My mom uses Comet all the time.  I forgot about it and didn't use Comet for several years, but after a stay at my mom and dad's decided to get some.  I use it mainly in the bathroom.  Plus, it is super cheap and usually a little goes a long ways.

6.  The Works

Another bathroom cleaner.  When we lived in Illinois, we lived in a old farmhouse with a well.  The well had rusty water and if you didn't stay on top of your cleaning you would have rust stains in the toilet, sinks, and bathtub.  When we arrived the toilet was gross.  This stuff, cleaned it and took away all the rust stains.  I even used a little of it whenever I had a rust stain in the sink or shower. 

7.  Windex

I think you all know what Windex does!!  I tried to be cheap and buy the knock-off brand.  I just don't think it worked as well as the name brand. 

8.  Clorox Bleach Pen - I am currently out of these, I need to get more.

I love these.  My cousin recommended it when I was complaining about how nasty the grout was in our shower.  I had tried every cleaner I could think of.  She told me to get one of these and draw a line in all the grout.  I left it overnight and the next morning scrubbed it.  The grout had never looked so clean. 

I live such an exciting life if I am excited over nice-looking grout, maybe I need to get out more!?!?!?!?

9.  WD-40

Wait, what is this doing in this list of cleaning products? Let me tell you, I was skeptical when I heard of this but here it goes.  You know that nasty dusty grimy film you get in the kitchen.  The gross stuff that you try to clean with just regular cleaner and paper towel and it just smears and looks worse.  Try spraying a little WD-40 on it.  It will cut through that grossness and you can wipe it right up.  It works!  Seriously, go try it.

Now, that I have procrastinated long enough.  Time to get moving.  I have lots of cleaning to do today.
Do you have any favorite cleaners that you use that didn't make my list?  I would love to hear about them. 
Thanks for stopping by!

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