Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am a...

coffee addict!!! 

Whew...I am so glad to get that off chest.  I have worried and agonized on whether I should let this get out.  No turning back now.  There you have it, I, Carrie, am a coffee addict.

I love coffee.  I love the taste, the warmth, but most importantly I love the caffeine.  I need the pick-me-up in the morning.  I am not a morning person.  I am not a night person either.  What does that make me?  A stick in the mud?!?!?!?  I just enjoy my sleep a little too much, always have. 

I love coffee.  I will drink whatever is given to me. Unless it is bad.  Then I will refuse to drink it.  But, I have some favorites that I enjoy.

My mom found this on vacation at a gift shop in Nashville, I believe.  It is from Hawaii.  The flavor is Toasted Coconut.  My dad loves coconut and all kinds of sweet treats with coconut in it or on it.  This coffee has a slight coconuty flavor and it is simply to die for.  Upon getting home and trying the coffee, she decided to investigate where she could get more.  She found the company online and they ship!!!  Since it is from Hawaii, shipping gets a little pricey.  It is sooo worth it though.  We don't buy it that often, but occasionally we indulge and order some.  And, I ask for it for my birthday and Christmas.  And, I make my husband ask for it for his birthday and Christmas.  We have tried a few of their other flavors and honorable mention goes to Vanilla Macademia Nut.

My other favorite that I drink quite regularly is Community Coffee.  Clint stumbled upon it while reading a book.  Apparently, the character in the book was drinking some and it sparked Clint's curiousity.  He had to try it.  This company is based out of New Orleans and they have some fine coffee, yes sir.  Their Between Roast is perfect.  It is a fine cup of Joe.  I also love their Evangeline Blend.  Honestly, I haven't tried any of their coffee that I haven't liked. 

The coffee addict,

FYI - I am not a paid spokeperson for these companies.  Just a coffee lover wanting to share some of the love.

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