Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pool Day!!

We went to the pool today.  The kids were super excited.  They had been talking about it all morning.  When C-man got dressed this morning, he asked if he could put on his swimsuit.  I told him he would have to wait.  He decided on something else, but that didn't stop him from carrying it around all morning.  There were several times that he brought my swimsuit to me so I would get it on and hurry up so he could go to the pool.

That's another subject...the issue of wearing a swimsuit in front of people.  Other people, people that don't know me.  I mean, I usually don't mind wearing it around my friends and family.  They love me.  They don't judge the extra jiggle on my thighs.  They don't make fun of my stretch marks. Other people might.  But that wasn't going to stop us.  No siree, not today. The kids were going to the pool.  Their mama was taking them to the pool with her extra jiggle and stretch marks in tow.  Who cares?  Hakuna Matata...

As I had suspected would happen, they had a great time.  My son has no fear.  He tried a couple of times to go down the slide.  He would have loved it, but his mother was having a hard time letting him go.  I know that he could climb up the slide by himself and I could catch him as he came barreling into the water, but I was a worry wart.  If he missed a step on that ladder down he would fall onto the cement.  That was my biggest concern.  Sissy said that she would follow him up, but still Mama's a worrier. 

There were a few of Sissy's friends at the pool.  They played while I chased after my son.  It's hard getting it through his thick skull that you can't run at the pool.  He only knows two speeds, fast and stop.  He has a hard time sticking it in park, but occasionally you can get through to him. 

On our way home from the pool, we stopped and got shaved ice.  Of course the kids loved it.  They love pool day.

You know what?!?!  I love pool day, too!!  Anytime that I don't have to fight someone to take his nap is a great day.  I imagine there are going to be quite a few pool days this summer.

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1 comment:

Words from Weston said...

I love that he fell asleep with Buzz. Also when you said Hakuna Matata all i could think about was riding the tube back to catfish Bay marina when we were kids. We sang that song completely through like five times. Im glad they love pool day. it sounds like dad will have two more ski Kats to through in the lake this summer.