Monday, June 20, 2011

Be Patient, Mommy!

Friday morning we awoke feeling adventurous.  Hubby had a few loose ends that needed to be tied up, but after they were taken care of he looked at me and asked if we could go to the lake.  It was his weekend after all, since he is the father to our children.  Of course I didn't mind in the least bit.  I love going to the lake.  We always have a blast.

We had been talking about going to the lake for quite some time, but just couldn't find the time to get away.  Our little blondie had been talking about going fishing for quite some time too.  When we finally told him that we were going to the lake the first thing out of his mouth was, "Are we gonna go fishin'?"

How can you say no to that?  After driving for what seemed like forever, we arrived at the lake.  He was so excited and like a broken record kept asking, "Can we go fishin'?"  Except that when he gets really excited his mouth gets ahead of his brain and his question comes out, "Can-can-can we go fishin'?" 

Sissy was pretty excited about being at the lake too.  She knew that water skiing, tubing, and swimming were in her future. 

But she so kindly waited for her fun and went fishing with her daddy and brother. 

I sat down with the little blondie and we fished for a while. But I was told, "Just be patient, Mommy."  It seems that I was not doing it right and he went back to fish with daddy. 
It's ok.  I didn't mind.  Seeing the little guy sitting down (not falling in the water) and enjoying time with his daddy made my day. 
Thanks for stopping by,
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1 comment:

plainsgirl said...

What great memories and photos you're journaling in your blog, Carrie! Wonderful scrapbooks for generations to come.