Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Weather Cracked

The weather finally cracked. We have had some really beautiful days with sunshine, light breezes, and temps in the 70's. 70's I tell ya!!!!

The kids have pretty much survived on popsicles alone this summer. The little guy is a messy eater and what I call a kitty licker. Instead of biting his popsicle, he licks, and licks, and licks. Because of his messy status, I force him to eat his popsicles outside. This was rather problematic when it was a million and two degrees out this summer. As soon as he would walk outside, it would start dripping.

Now he can fully enjoy his popsicle outside with minimal drips.

That's all for now. We are headed outside to enjoy our evening.

Hope your evening is pleasant and that maybe you too can enjoy a popsicle (or beverage of your choice) outside where you can admire God's handiwork.


1 comment:

plainsgirl said...

Praising the Lord down this way too for cool days and even some rain already!