Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lesson Learned

It has been a while since I wore that purple and white uniform.  Living in a small community and going to a small school, there was not a lot of options when it came to school sports.  We had basketball and track.  There were no school tryouts.  If you wanted to be on the team, you were on the team. 

I was never an offense threat.  My career high came in junior high when I scored eight points against our school rival.  We lost in overtime by one. 

Defense was more my thing.  Generally if we were playing man-to-man defense, I was paired with one of the opponent's better shooters.  Sometimes, I would get a tad bit mean.  I would throw an elbow occasionally.  I would block out excessively.  And at times, I would pinch.

Here's where that lesson learned comes in...don't be mean in school sports.  You just never know what might happen in the future.  Your cousin might just marry that girl that you guarded.  That one that was a big offensive threat to your team.  That one that you pulled out all of the stops when guarding her.  You made sure to throw elbows.  While blocking her out, you caused her to fall down when going for a rebound.  You might have pinched her when the referee wasn't looking. 

I am certain that she has forgotten all about those mean defensive tactics.  She is sweet and not the type to hold a grudge. If for whatever reason we decide to have a game of pick-up at our family Christmas, I think I might just sit it out.

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