Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The last 6 days...

The last six days have been pretty wild and crazy.  We drove 7 hours to look at the lake.  Look, is the key word here.  There was blue-green algae that had developed rather rapidly in the lake.  Everyone was advised to stay out of the water because this blue-green junk could make you very sick.  So, we got to look at it.  Isn't it so pretty?  Now if only we could have escaped the hot summer sun overhead by doing a cannonball into the lake, that would have been the ticket.
We celebrated our country's freedom.
God Bless America!!
Before it got dark for the fireworks, we were flown over.
My son loved it.  Look, look, a airplane!!!! 
It was truly a hot, beautiful night until the wind picked up.  Then it became rather dicey.  There were people shouting, boats drifting, people still swimming causing other people to shout at can see how it might have been rather stressful. 

What did I do?  I got the kids out of the way and they performed their newest Veggie Tales song on their make-shift stage.  

Quite possibly the most exciting out of all of that crazy fun with our family was that Sissy and my mom celebrated their birthday together.  Yes, Sissy was born on my mom's birthday!! 

C-man was so excited about Sissy's birthday.  Mainly because that means that his birthday is in just a few more weeks.  He helped her open all of her presents...he was giddy with excitement.

And the birthday girls blew out their candle on their cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Sissy!!  I simply cannot believe that she is a beautiful 9 year old.  She has grown so much and is such a wonderful sweet hearted girl. 

Happy Birthday Mom!!  I hope you had a great birthday and enjoyed your birthday celebration with family, cupcakes, and fireworks.

Now, if you will excuse me.  I am exhausted and I must go cry into my pillow because my baby girl turned 9 today.  So bittersweet!!!

1 comment:

plainsgirl said...

To have a sweet natured, cheerful, kind, and loving daughter is a blessing at any age 9 or 69!
And Sissy, your new hairdo is darling. We heard where those long locks went; another proof of caring hearts.