Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shoe Games

My son has this inability to keep his shoes on in the car.  It is absolutely impossible to make it across town with his shoes still on his feet.  This is rather frustrating to both my husband and I.  We arrive at our destination only to have to wait 5 minutes in the parking lot while someone gets the little booger's shoes on. 

The other day we were in the car.  We really hadn't been on the road for that long when we stopped to run inside a store.  My husband went to get him out of his carseat when he noticed that C-man had taken off his shoes.  Needless to say, Clint was rather frustrated that once again we had to wait to put on his shoes in the sweltering hot parking lot. 

"Dude, if you would just leave on your shoes we wouldn't have to play this game every time we go somewhere."

Not missing a beat C-man piped up, "But, but, but I like playing games.  There's hide-n-seek and freeze tag..."

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