Thursday, May 5, 2011

This Thing

My son has this thing.  It is a new thing.  He has never been attached like this before.  He wasn't ever dependent on a paci, blankie, or stuffed animal.  No, that would have been normal.  This is different.

It was a gradual thing.  It wasn't that he decided on this one particular day that he had to have it with him at all times. 

He saw it in Sissy's (that is what he calls her) room a month or two ago.  He thought it was cool.  She decided that she didn't want it anymore.  It didn't fit her anyway.  So she said that he could have it.  It fit him perfectly. 

Then he realized he could put stuff in it.  Lots of stuff in it.  Lots and lots and lots of stuff in it.  It can hold toys, rocks, sippy cups, books, and balls.  It has to be full at all times.  So full that you can barely zip it up.  He almost falls down when he puts it on.  But it goes with him everywhere. 

He takes it with him when we go to the Post Office.  It goes outside with him to play.  It goes in the bathroom with him so that it can "watch" him take a bath.  He takes it with him in the car.  And it sleeps with him.

It is kind of odd that at this point in his life, 2 3/4 years old, that he has decided that he always has to have it with him.  But it is what it is.  This too will pass. 

Yes, this boy loves his backpack.

Yes, his shoes are on the wrong feet.  It happens. 
Backpack boy's mama,

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