Thursday, November 10, 2011


1.  My 3-year old is hitting that age that naps are becoming optional.  This is becoming detrimental to my sanity.  If naps are skipped by 6 p.m. I become irritable, grouchy, and just plain ol' mean.

2.  There is an inner war going on within my head.  My frugality is fighting tooth and nail against my hatred of being cold.  When it got cold at the beginning of the week, I shivered...I covered up with a blanket...I made another pot of coffee.  At this point in time, my frugality is winning.  We shall revisit this topic say mid-January and February.  (How in the world did I survive in Illinois?)

3.  It is best to take showers when your toddler is asleep.  Or at least have another somewhat responsible individual there to make sure he doesn't head for the door while you are mid-shampoo.  (I realize this is a no-brainer, but I thought just maybe I could squeeze in a quick shower, wrong.)

4.  The cleanliness of my house also affects my sanity.  By no means am I a perfectionist.  Clean doesn't even mean floors vacuumed, bathrooms shiny, or furniture polished.  To me, clean just means toys picked up, dishes put away, and being able to walk through a room without going through an obstacle course.

5.  I find it very hard to deliver something I have baked/cooked without sampling it first.  What happens if it is a flop?

6.  My dryer is not shrinking my clothes.  I have gained weight, blech.  Admittance is the first step, right?  Now I just gotta get up off my hiney and get some exercise, yuck, yuck, yuck.

7.  My son can destroy a room in 13.5 seconds flat.  You can see how well this goes with realization #4.

8.  It is a good thing that the closest Target (with a Starbucks) is 30 miles away.  It is a bad thing that the closest Target (with a Starbucks) is 30 miles away.  I'll just leave it at that.


Angela said...

Hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! :]

Angela said...

Congratulations!!! Your blog is this week's Blog of the Week over on Blog Mommas!!! Woo Hoo!!!