Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We were under attack...

My, oh my, how the time does fly. Especially when you are having fun.

Our Labor Day weekend was packed with fun. The kids went to the zoo on Saturday with their grandparents. As can be imagined, they had a blast and they wore out Grandma and Grandpa. While our kids were busy keeping their grandparents in line, Clint and I got to go cheer on our OSU Cowboys at their season opener.

We had a wonderful night out with our great friends, but were ready to get back to our little hoodlums. When we pulled into Clint's parent's house Sunday afternoon, we were under attack.

Princess Katrina and Chief Loud Pants came running.

Chief Loud Pants was, well, he was loud. Letting out a battle cry he came running. Of course his weapon of choice was a monster bear hug.

Princess Katrina came running and gave us a hug as well. Her weapon...beauty. She can take anyone down with it. Good grief, that girl is going to create some trouble among the boys (and her parents).

Thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

plainsgirl said...

Laughed a lot at the Chief Loud Pants name! And of course Princess Katrina is perfect too.

What a blessing to have generous grandparents! Babysitting, zoo trip, season opener Cowboys' tickets...wow!

Our kids loved the low key, friendly small town atmosphere of Kiowa's Labor Day celebration. Rode all the carnival rides, no waiting in line; ate wonderful Catholic tacos and Congregational Church grilled burgers & brats...and the cool weather was an extra bonus. Fun wk.end.