Monday, July 25, 2011

Baseball Game Waddle

On this date exactly three years ago, a very pregnant me waddled into the Royals baseball stadium. 

Clint is a huge baseball fan. He wanted to go to a baseball game so bad that even I could taste it.  It was one of those things that we had talked about before moving to NE Kansas.  He was so excited that we would be close and could go to a few games.  The summer came and seemed to be flying by.  It would be just a matter of a few days and we would be welcoming a little boy into our family. 

We met in the entry of our house that hot July evening and he said that he wanted to go to the game.  I was certainly not keen on the idea of sitting in a stadium for 9 whole innings.  He said that he would take Sis with him and that I could stay home.  But, I really didn't want to sit at home by myself.  And, what if?  What if I went into labor?  I would have to drive myself to the hospital.  That would not be cool.  Sissy was 10 days early, C-man could definitely come at anytime.  So I said why not...let's go to the game.

We made it to the game.  We found our seats.  And we sweat.  And sweat.  And sweat some more.  It was so hot and I was huge and miserable.  The one redeeming part of the was $1 Dog Night.  Let me tell you, those were the best hot dogs EVER.  Trust me.  I should know, I ate probably 6!!!  Big mama (as my husband so lovingly called me) ate her fair share of dogs that night.  We sweat for 6 innings, I stuffed myself with hot dogs, and I waddled my way back to our vehicle that was parked so very far away. 

Three days later, C-man made his debut.  What a story I have to tell him of the few days before his arrival.

Thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

Rose said...

i was so mad at crd for making you go to that game i was just sure that you would go into labor while you were up in those stands!!!