Monday, February 14, 2011

Being Sentimental

I used to think that I was not the sentimental type.  I never could understand why people would keep things that were used, broken, or torn.  It didn’t ever make sense to me.  Why would you keep those types of things?  Here lately, I find myself thinking of the person who got or left me specific things when I use them.  Sometimes I even find myself teary-eyed.  What is going on with me?  Sometimes something that my kids are wearing sparks a memory and I get that mushy feeling.  I am falling apart here.  Am I the mom that cries at the drop of a hat?  Will my kids make fun of me when they are older?  Answer:  Yes!  Apparently, that is me now.  The sentimental mom…is there a group for that?  Hi, my name is Carrie, and I am a sentimental person. 

This is my mother’s Kitchenaid mixer.  I don’t know how old it is.  She has been gone for 17 years.  I absolutely love the functionality of it.  I use it all the time.  The problem with me using it all the time is that as I start mixing up my cookies I start thinking of her making cookies.  That usually puts a smile on my face and before I know it the tears are falling.  Then my daughter comes in the room and I have to quit before she sees me and starts making fun of me. 
One of my dear friends gave me this before we moved.  Yes, I know it is just a towel.  But, for some reason, it stuck with me that this towel is the one she gave me.  As I am drying my dishes, I find myself getting all sappy.  I start thinking of all the things that we did together…the many dishes we dirtied (and cleaned) while baking, camping out with the kids in a tent with a barking dog all night, and the many meals we shared together.
My grandmother gave me this ring a couple of years before she passed away.  It is an absolutely gorgeous ring, but I don’t find myself admiring its beauty.  I find myself thinking of her when I wear it.  I start thinking of hanging upside down on her stairs, the Cheetos and Pepsi that she would put in the basket for us to pull up the stairs for a snack, and catching fireflies on a hot summer night.
 A picture of our wedding day gets me all sappy too.  Of course, I start thinking about how 9 years ago, I married my best friend.  I think of how much “life” we have experienced in those short years.  I also think of the behind the scene stuff that led up to that day.  I start thinking of wedding dress shopping with my mom.  We had such a fun time that day.  My dad decorating the church…yes, my dad helped decorate!  And of course I think of my in-laws and the million laps around the driveway that my father-in-law made that winter. 
I could go on and on about all the stuff that makes me a sap.  I guess you can say that I am a happy, sappy, sentimental person.  Now, if you could pass on that information for the Saps Anonymous, I would really appreciate it.   


Nikki said...

You may be sappy and sentimental, but just reading about your sappiness turned me into a crying, blubbering idiot. I am SO sensitive and sentimental. BLAH!!

Words from Weston said...

When ever the microwave goes off in the house i remember running circles around the kitchen in mom and dads house just to see how fast we were. Whenever i feel a cold chill on my back i remember the long talks we would have at night till you got tired and kicked me out. I miss you sis and i have loved reading your blog you should have told me you have one.