OK, so I have told of various incidents regarding my children, time for me to fess up.
When we lived in Kansas the first time, we were always cooking out with our neighbors. They would light a fire, we would grill something, and the kids played in the dark running in between our houses. On this particular night (it was a couple of weeks past Easter) we decided to roast marshmallows. We roasted a few and then ran out of mallows. So, being the geniuses that we are we began looking for other things to roast. We decided that Peeps would be perfect. They slid on the wire and would roast beautifully. My first attempt, I slid it on the wire. Held it over the fire until it was perfectly toasted. I pulled it out of the fire and admired what an awesome job I had done roasting it. Then the darn thing started sliding off my wire, it was falling. Oh no!!! I can't let something that beautiful fall to the ground, I must catch it. I did!!! Now that is all fine and dandy in a normal world, except that the Peep was blazin' hot. It was Peep napalm. After I caught it and realized what a complete idiot I was for doing so, I tried to drop it on the ground. Along with being ridiculously hot, it was sticky. Part of it fell to the ground, but the rest of it stayed on my hand. Eventually I got it off and went inside to wash all the stickiness off and assess the damage. I had a huge burn and to make matters much worse, I never did get to try the roasted Peep. I called it a night, and went back to my house with my tail between my legs.
Moral of the story: If your mallow is going to fall off the stick, please let it fall. DO NOT try to catch the stupid thing.
The mallow catcher,
I'm just a girl that loves the feel of grass between her toes, who is not afraid to get dirt underneath her fingernails, and loves to cook.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Fun Little Trivia Fact
Did you know that Dodge City, KS, is the windiest city in the United States? Yep, it sure is. According to the National Climatic Data center average wind speed is 13.9 mph.
Did you ever think you would learn something from all my ramblin'? You learn something new every day. Who would of thunk you learned it here?!?!?!?
Windblown in KS,
Disclaimer: I didn't take the pic, my hubby did. I just edited it. I get the credit if I edit it, right? Right!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I am a...
coffee addict!!!
Whew...I am so glad to get that off chest. I have worried and agonized on whether I should let this get out. No turning back now. There you have it, I, Carrie, am a coffee addict.
My other favorite that I drink quite regularly is Community Coffee. Clint stumbled upon it while reading a book. Apparently, the character in the book was drinking some and it sparked Clint's curiousity. He had to try it. This company is based out of New Orleans and they have some fine coffee, yes sir. Their Between Roast is perfect. It is a fine cup of Joe. I also love their Evangeline Blend. Honestly, I haven't tried any of their coffee that I haven't liked.
The coffee addict,
FYI - I am not a paid spokeperson for these companies. Just a coffee lover wanting to share some of the love.
Whew...I am so glad to get that off chest. I have worried and agonized on whether I should let this get out. No turning back now. There you have it, I, Carrie, am a coffee addict.
I love coffee. I love the taste, the warmth, but most importantly I love the caffeine. I need the pick-me-up in the morning. I am not a morning person. I am not a night person either. What does that make me? A stick in the mud?!?!?!? I just enjoy my sleep a little too much, always have.
I love coffee. I will drink whatever is given to me. Unless it is bad. Then I will refuse to drink it. But, I have some favorites that I enjoy.
My mom found this on vacation at a gift shop in Nashville, I believe. It is from Hawaii. The flavor is Toasted Coconut. My dad loves coconut and all kinds of sweet treats with coconut in it or on it. This coffee has a slight coconuty flavor and it is simply to die for. Upon getting home and trying the coffee, she decided to investigate where she could get more. She found the company online and they ship!!! Since it is from Hawaii, shipping gets a little pricey. It is sooo worth it though. We don't buy it that often, but occasionally we indulge and order some. And, I ask for it for my birthday and Christmas. And, I make my husband ask for it for his birthday and Christmas. We have tried a few of their other flavors and honorable mention goes to Vanilla Macademia Nut.
The coffee addict,
FYI - I am not a paid spokeperson for these companies. Just a coffee lover wanting to share some of the love.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
One of my favorite pics
He has blue eyes! Oh, how I love those blue eyes. Funny story...
I was a 7 1/2 months pregnant waiting patiently for his arrival. Yeah right, waiting patiently. By that time, it was hot. I was huge and not very patient. My husband was ever so kindly calling me "Big Momma". I would give him the look of death and he would run away laughing. He knew there was no way in the world I was gonna catch him. He was right. I couldn't waddle fast enough.
I had called my mother-in-law to complain about how huge and uncomfortable her grandson was making me. The nerve of him. Anyways, we got to talking about what he would look like. She made the comment, "Will he have dark skin and dark eyes like his sister or will he have light hair and blue eyes." Well, duh, he will look like his sister. I can't imagine him looking any different, I was most certain of this. In fact, I was adament that she was full of it. What could she know?
A month and a half later, I had a beautiful light skinned, blonde headed, blue eyed boy. I knew sunscreen was in his future, lots of sunscreen.
Thanks for stopping by,
I was a 7 1/2 months pregnant waiting patiently for his arrival. Yeah right, waiting patiently. By that time, it was hot. I was huge and not very patient. My husband was ever so kindly calling me "Big Momma". I would give him the look of death and he would run away laughing. He knew there was no way in the world I was gonna catch him. He was right. I couldn't waddle fast enough.
I had called my mother-in-law to complain about how huge and uncomfortable her grandson was making me. The nerve of him. Anyways, we got to talking about what he would look like. She made the comment, "Will he have dark skin and dark eyes like his sister or will he have light hair and blue eyes." Well, duh, he will look like his sister. I can't imagine him looking any different, I was most certain of this. In fact, I was adament that she was full of it. What could she know?
A month and a half later, I had a beautiful light skinned, blonde headed, blue eyed boy. I knew sunscreen was in his future, lots of sunscreen.
Thanks for stopping by,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Headband Incident
![]() |
Kindergarten Graduation |
With this last move, I dug through my "keep" file for my daughter's school work. I found a note from her Kindergarten year from her teacher. Now, let me fill you in on my daughter. She can (at times) be diva, a little over the top, and a little dramatic. This is very evident in the note that I kept. She is a girlie girl and always wants to look nice. Seriously, she agonizes daily on what to wear. Even on Saturday when we are not doing anything. I blame this entirely on her grandparents. (No particular reason for their blame, that way it doesn't land on my shoulders, ha!) So, back to the story, she wanted to wear a headband to school on that particular day. I told her she could borrow mine. I tried to give her a talk about responsibility and how important it was that she didn't break my headband, blah, blah, blah. You know...the parenting stuff that we have to say.
Here is the note that I received from her teacher when she got home from school that afternoon.
She broke her headband by accident at recess (she was trying to put it back in her hair) and was very upset. I told her that things made of plastic sometimes break by accident, but that did not make her feel better. I told her I'd write a note about what happened and that seemed to help. We're really sorry this happened and will try harder to not let things break.
3 years later, her father and I have decided to ease up on the punishment for this. She is now able to play outside with her friends and she has regained TV privileges. Nah, just kidding. I didn't care.
Thanks for stopping by,
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Found Respect
I have a new found respect for those that suffer with migraines.
My hubby came home from a short trip to Denver late Wednesday night. Thursday afternoon he was violently ill. It was a long night for him. Friday he was still feeling awful but at least the stomach issues had subsided. By Saturday, he was feeling much better. But, guess what? He decided to share...with me.
I went to bed Saturday night with a slight headache. I should have taken something then but didn't. By 2 in the morning, my stomach was rolling and my head was pounding. I took some Tylenol then, but didn't get much relief. By 6, I was hurting, BAD. I had a migraine. It took the wind out of my sails, knocked me flat on my back, and crippled me almost completely. Thankfully, Superdad came to the rescue. He made breakfast for the kids and took them to church while I stayed at home. I slept on and off all day, not doing much of anything...I couldn't. I was so weak and anytime I did get up I had to stay close to a chair, or I would get dizzy and pass out. I am happy to say that I survived and feel much better today. I am hoping that nobody else will get this bug in our house.
I just don't know how people with migraines are able to function. I couldn't do anything. The only relief that came was if I laid completely still and didn't move my head. For those of you that live with migraines, you are tougher than I am. I don't ever want to experience anything like that again.
That's all for now.
Thanks for stopping by,
My hubby came home from a short trip to Denver late Wednesday night. Thursday afternoon he was violently ill. It was a long night for him. Friday he was still feeling awful but at least the stomach issues had subsided. By Saturday, he was feeling much better. But, guess what? He decided to share...with me.
I went to bed Saturday night with a slight headache. I should have taken something then but didn't. By 2 in the morning, my stomach was rolling and my head was pounding. I took some Tylenol then, but didn't get much relief. By 6, I was hurting, BAD. I had a migraine. It took the wind out of my sails, knocked me flat on my back, and crippled me almost completely. Thankfully, Superdad came to the rescue. He made breakfast for the kids and took them to church while I stayed at home. I slept on and off all day, not doing much of anything...I couldn't. I was so weak and anytime I did get up I had to stay close to a chair, or I would get dizzy and pass out. I am happy to say that I survived and feel much better today. I am hoping that nobody else will get this bug in our house.
I just don't know how people with migraines are able to function. I couldn't do anything. The only relief that came was if I laid completely still and didn't move my head. For those of you that live with migraines, you are tougher than I am. I don't ever want to experience anything like that again.
That's all for now.
Thanks for stopping by,
Monday, February 14, 2011
Being Sentimental
I used to think that I was not the sentimental type. I never could understand why people would keep things that were used, broken, or torn. It didn’t ever make sense to me. Why would you keep those types of things? Here lately, I find myself thinking of the person who got or left me specific things when I use them. Sometimes I even find myself teary-eyed. What is going on with me? Sometimes something that my kids are wearing sparks a memory and I get that mushy feeling. I am falling apart here. Am I the mom that cries at the drop of a hat? Will my kids make fun of me when they are older? Answer: Yes! Apparently, that is me now. The sentimental mom…is there a group for that? Hi, my name is Carrie, and I am a sentimental person.
This is my mother’s Kitchenaid mixer. I don’t know how old it is. She has been gone for 17 years. I absolutely love the functionality of it. I use it all the time. The problem with me using it all the time is that as I start mixing up my cookies I start thinking of her making cookies. That usually puts a smile on my face and before I know it the tears are falling. Then my daughter comes in the room and I have to quit before she sees me and starts making fun of me.
One of my dear friends gave me this before we moved. Yes, I know it is just a towel. But, for some reason, it stuck with me that this towel is the one she gave me. As I am drying my dishes, I find myself getting all sappy. I start thinking of all the things that we did together…the many dishes we dirtied (and cleaned) while baking, camping out with the kids in a tent with a barking dog all night, and the many meals we shared together.
My grandmother gave me this ring a couple of years before she passed away. It is an absolutely gorgeous ring, but I don’t find myself admiring its beauty. I find myself thinking of her when I wear it. I start thinking of hanging upside down on her stairs, the Cheetos and Pepsi that she would put in the basket for us to pull up the stairs for a snack, and catching fireflies on a hot summer night.
A picture of our wedding day gets me all sappy too. Of course, I start thinking about how 9 years ago, I married my best friend. I think of how much “life” we have experienced in those short years. I also think of the behind the scene stuff that led up to that day. I start thinking of wedding dress shopping with my mom. We had such a fun time that day. My dad decorating the church…yes, my dad helped decorate! And of course I think of my in-laws and the million laps around the driveway that my father-in-law made that winter.
I could go on and on about all the stuff that makes me a sap. I guess you can say that I am a happy, sappy, sentimental person. Now, if you could pass on that information for the Saps Anonymous, I would really appreciate it.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
That's what she said...
Ok, time to pick on my dear daughter. She has said some funny stuff.
Ok, so she is not beautiful. She looks like a gremlin and sometimes her upper lip gets caught on her teeth making her look even more like a gremlin. We love her none the less. For some reason when we got her, my husband decided to name her Pepper. I was ok with it, and decided I would call her Pepper Ann. She is now, Pepper Sue Ann or Sue Sue. But, anyway I am getting off track. We got her 4 years ago so my daughter was 4 at the time. She was visiting her Grandma and Grandpa. I imagine there was a lot of spoiling...they always seem to do that. Darn grandparents and their excessive spoiling. Anyways, we called and told her that she had a new sister. That we had gotten a puppy and named her Pepper. She was excited and went into town with my mother-in-law. She told everyone that she had a new dog. They asked what the doggie's name was and Hailey said...wait for it...Salty!!!!
One more, then I will quit picking on her.
We have a beautiful boston terrier.
Ok, so she is not beautiful. She looks like a gremlin and sometimes her upper lip gets caught on her teeth making her look even more like a gremlin. We love her none the less. For some reason when we got her, my husband decided to name her Pepper. I was ok with it, and decided I would call her Pepper Ann. She is now, Pepper Sue Ann or Sue Sue. But, anyway I am getting off track. We got her 4 years ago so my daughter was 4 at the time. She was visiting her Grandma and Grandpa. I imagine there was a lot of spoiling...they always seem to do that. Darn grandparents and their excessive spoiling. Anyways, we called and told her that she had a new sister. That we had gotten a puppy and named her Pepper. She was excited and went into town with my mother-in-law. She told everyone that she had a new dog. They asked what the doggie's name was and Hailey said...wait for it...Salty!!!!
One more, then I will quit picking on her.
I don't know how old she was when this happened but I still find it funny.
I have lost some of the details on this story but here it goes.
We were going somewhere and we told her to count down for us before we started the car. So, she starts...5...4...3...2...1...TECHNICIAN!!!!! Not ignition, technician!!!!! It was so stinkin' funny. We sat in the driveway quite a while before we were able to compose ourselves and go on our merry little way.
I find my kid's really darn cute and I think they are so funny to listen to. I am a mom. I am supposed to adore my children and all their thoughts and their cute sayings. I know you guys have plenty of stories that your darling kids have said and done. If you want to share, I would love to hear them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, February 7, 2011
My Top Cleaning Products!!
In honor of my Monday cleaning day, I am going to do a list of my favorite cleaning products.
1. Lemi-Shine
Oh how I love Lemi-Shine. I found this little jewel when we lived in Kansas the first time. We had really bad (BAD) hard water. I was so frustrated with the spots and film left on my dishes after running them through the dishwasher. A friend recommended it and I ended up finding it at Walmart. Since then, I go into a panic if I don't have any. I use it in addition to the regular dishwasher soap. My dishes sparkle! I also run it through my coffee maker when it starts getting sluggish. I put about 1/4 of a cup of Lemi-Shine in the coffee pot and then fill it up with water and pour it into the coffee maker. I usually run 3-4 more pots of just plain water through the coffee maker to make sure I get all of the Lemi-Shine out. My coffee pot thanks me profusely and it brews coffee so stinkin' fast after I have done this.
Lemi-Shine also has a pleasant lemony fragrance as a bonus!!!!
Seriously, you should get some if you haven't already.
2. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
I use these all the time. They wipe up all my messes and leave the counter clean and free of germs - at least that is what I tell myself. They also leave my home smelling clean. I love the smell of a clean house.
3. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
These babies are life-savers. As a mother to a 2 1/2 year old boy, I use these all the time. They clean up marks off the wall from crayons, markers, shoe scuffs, and dirty fingerprints. At babies 1st birthday parties, I should be giving mothers a supply of these.
They have a funny feel to them that can drive you crazy, but they work.
4. Bleach
What's not to love about bleach? It cleans whites so they sparkle, disinfects, and removes mildew and mold. Ok, ok, ok it can ruin clothes if spilled on them. Just be careful with it!!
5. Comet
My mom uses Comet all the time. I forgot about it and didn't use Comet for several years, but after a stay at my mom and dad's decided to get some. I use it mainly in the bathroom. Plus, it is super cheap and usually a little goes a long ways.
6. The Works
Another bathroom cleaner. When we lived in Illinois, we lived in a old farmhouse with a well. The well had rusty water and if you didn't stay on top of your cleaning you would have rust stains in the toilet, sinks, and bathtub. When we arrived the toilet was gross. This stuff, cleaned it and took away all the rust stains. I even used a little of it whenever I had a rust stain in the sink or shower.
7. Windex
I think you all know what Windex does!! I tried to be cheap and buy the knock-off brand. I just don't think it worked as well as the name brand.
8. Clorox Bleach Pen - I am currently out of these, I need to get more.
I love these. My cousin recommended it when I was complaining about how nasty the grout was in our shower. I had tried every cleaner I could think of. She told me to get one of these and draw a line in all the grout. I left it overnight and the next morning scrubbed it. The grout had never looked so clean.
I live such an exciting life if I am excited over nice-looking grout, maybe I need to get out more!?!?!?!?
9. WD-40
Wait, what is this doing in this list of cleaning products? Let me tell you, I was skeptical when I heard of this but here it goes. You know that nasty dusty grimy film you get in the kitchen. The gross stuff that you try to clean with just regular cleaner and paper towel and it just smears and looks worse. Try spraying a little WD-40 on it. It will cut through that grossness and you can wipe it right up. It works! Seriously, go try it.
Now, that I have procrastinated long enough. Time to get moving. I have lots of cleaning to do today.
Do you have any favorite cleaners that you use that didn't make my list? I would love to hear about them.
Thanks for stopping by!
1. Lemi-Shine
Oh how I love Lemi-Shine. I found this little jewel when we lived in Kansas the first time. We had really bad (BAD) hard water. I was so frustrated with the spots and film left on my dishes after running them through the dishwasher. A friend recommended it and I ended up finding it at Walmart. Since then, I go into a panic if I don't have any. I use it in addition to the regular dishwasher soap. My dishes sparkle! I also run it through my coffee maker when it starts getting sluggish. I put about 1/4 of a cup of Lemi-Shine in the coffee pot and then fill it up with water and pour it into the coffee maker. I usually run 3-4 more pots of just plain water through the coffee maker to make sure I get all of the Lemi-Shine out. My coffee pot thanks me profusely and it brews coffee so stinkin' fast after I have done this.
Lemi-Shine also has a pleasant lemony fragrance as a bonus!!!!
Seriously, you should get some if you haven't already.
2. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
I use these all the time. They wipe up all my messes and leave the counter clean and free of germs - at least that is what I tell myself. They also leave my home smelling clean. I love the smell of a clean house.
3. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
These babies are life-savers. As a mother to a 2 1/2 year old boy, I use these all the time. They clean up marks off the wall from crayons, markers, shoe scuffs, and dirty fingerprints. At babies 1st birthday parties, I should be giving mothers a supply of these.
They have a funny feel to them that can drive you crazy, but they work.
4. Bleach
What's not to love about bleach? It cleans whites so they sparkle, disinfects, and removes mildew and mold. Ok, ok, ok it can ruin clothes if spilled on them. Just be careful with it!!
5. Comet
My mom uses Comet all the time. I forgot about it and didn't use Comet for several years, but after a stay at my mom and dad's decided to get some. I use it mainly in the bathroom. Plus, it is super cheap and usually a little goes a long ways.
6. The Works
Another bathroom cleaner. When we lived in Illinois, we lived in a old farmhouse with a well. The well had rusty water and if you didn't stay on top of your cleaning you would have rust stains in the toilet, sinks, and bathtub. When we arrived the toilet was gross. This stuff, cleaned it and took away all the rust stains. I even used a little of it whenever I had a rust stain in the sink or shower.
7. Windex
I think you all know what Windex does!! I tried to be cheap and buy the knock-off brand. I just don't think it worked as well as the name brand.
8. Clorox Bleach Pen - I am currently out of these, I need to get more.
I love these. My cousin recommended it when I was complaining about how nasty the grout was in our shower. I had tried every cleaner I could think of. She told me to get one of these and draw a line in all the grout. I left it overnight and the next morning scrubbed it. The grout had never looked so clean.
I live such an exciting life if I am excited over nice-looking grout, maybe I need to get out more!?!?!?!?
9. WD-40
Wait, what is this doing in this list of cleaning products? Let me tell you, I was skeptical when I heard of this but here it goes. You know that nasty dusty grimy film you get in the kitchen. The gross stuff that you try to clean with just regular cleaner and paper towel and it just smears and looks worse. Try spraying a little WD-40 on it. It will cut through that grossness and you can wipe it right up. It works! Seriously, go try it.
Now, that I have procrastinated long enough. Time to get moving. I have lots of cleaning to do today.
Do you have any favorite cleaners that you use that didn't make my list? I would love to hear about them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Oh the things that they say and do...
I am always calling my mother and my mother-in-law to tell them the crazy things that my goofball kids have said or have done. We always end that conversation saying something about writing a book. Well, the book thing isn't going to happen, but I can share them with you. That's sorta like writing a book, right?
My son is currently going through a naked phase. He will come running into the kitchen wearing nothing but his birthday suit or we will find him in some random part of the house naked. This week he did just that. He came running into the kitchen without any clothes on. I asked him where his clothes were and automatically he said "I dunno know". I found his clothes in the bathroom and asked why he took them off. He said something about the bathtub. I didn't understand what he said so I asked him, "You didn't go potty on the floor, did you?" His response, "No, in the bathtub." HUH!!!! Sure enough, I yanked back the shower curtain, and he had gone in the bathtub. Little stinker!!!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Crazy Dotson Shenanigans!!
Hello All! I would like to update you on our lives since finishing college and leaving Stillwater, OK. Let’s see. We moved, had a baby, moved again, and moved again. The end!
Oh wait, you wanted more of the details, the wild and crazy shenanigans that those crazy Dotson’s have been up to. Ok, ok, ok. Here it goes…
We bought a house and moved to Oskaloosa, KS right after Christmas of 2007. It is a small town about 20 miles from Lawrence, KS. We were in an uncomfortable place – way too many Jayhawkers for these Cowboy fans. We made the best of it and made friends with our neighbors that were big Wildcat fans. Clint started working in Lawrence and I worked at a bank in Perry. Our daughter, then 5, went to Kindergarten in Oskaloosa. In July, our son was born. I took 6 weeks of maternity leave after he was born. Those 6 weeks went by WAY too fast. After those 6 weeks, he started going to a daycare in town. I found myself using all of my vacation for the kid’s sick days. After Christmas, Clint and I had a sit down talk. We both realized there had to be a change. We both HATED that the kids were in daycare all the time. He was frustrated with his job and wasn’t seeing the opportunity for growth at that time. He had a friend that was working in the same type of job that Clint was looking for. The only problem was that it was in Monmouth, IL . Yes, Monmouth IL!!!!! Were we seriously considering moving all the way up there? Are we crazy? Apparently, yes! Clint accepted the job, I quit mine to become a stay-at-home mom, and we put our house on the market.
We found a house outside of Monmouth, IL to rent. It was an old (when I say old, I mean OLD) farmhouse that needed quite a bit of updating. Clint and our good friend Cody spent a couple of weeks painting and trying to get it ready for the kids and I to move in. They did a good job with what they had to work with, and in April of 2009, we moved in. It was definitely a change from our new home that we left. Our friends invited us to come to their church in town. We started going and loved it. We met some amazing people that definitely filled in for our families that we missed so very much. Summer was quite an experience. It rained, and rained, and rained. We probably ran our air conditioner a total of 2 whole weeks that entire summer. Winter approached and we worried. Would we freeze? How many times would we have to fill the stupid propane tank? Would we get snowed in? Guess what…We survived!!!!! It was cold and there was some snow. When I say cold, I mean COLD!!!!!! We were doubling up on clothes and we didn’t even leave the house. In April of 2010, our house in Kansas finally sold. Yes after whole year, it sold!!! We were so relieved and so glad to get rid of it (and the mortgage payment). That summer was a lot warmer than the previous one! In late fall, we received word that there may be a position available in the Garden City, KS area. It was the position Clint wanted and we would only be a few hours from our family. Definitely quite a bit closer!!!! At Thanksgiving, we had a lot to be thankful for. Clint got the job and we were moving to SW Kansas!!!!!
So, here we are…living in SW Kansas. We bought a really nice home in a small town. We had hoped to find something in the country, but it just didn’t happen. My darling daughter is 8 now and is in the 3rd grade. She is usually a quiet sweetheart unless her brother is picking on her. My wild and crazy son is 2 ½. He definitely keeps me on my toes. You never know what he is going to say or do. Clint loves his new job, especially because he gets to work from our home. Then there is me. I am still figuring out this whole stay-at-home mom thing. Most days I love it…I will leave it at that.
Summer '10
Fall '10
Clint and I got to go to a Cardinals game by ourselves this summer...no kids. It was sooooo needed!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
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